Sunday, July 19, 2009

I'm often confronted with people who have had relatives and friends who had made attempts into business, some with a more entrepreneurial bent into their own, independent business and others that became franchisees. If I am presenting them with an opportunity in franchising most invariably the acquaintance had a bad experience or was in the midst of one. Typically after a long and protracted exposition on this person's accomplishments, skills and education a question follows relating to what happened.
I have no response about the person because hearing someone's monologue about someone they know, like and perhaps admire is never the whole story. What I will do with them is provide them with components that I believe every business person must possess in an attempt to get them to do a gut check to see if they have these or have displayed them in the past. I will tell you without them and you will have a challenge succeeding. Here they are:

Are you a decision-maker?
: I put candidates through a process sale and I make them follow each step. I do this to determine A) Can they follow a system/instructions and B) Will they come to conclusions about the homework they complete. Can they make decisions. In small business decisions constantly need to be made, and many times you don’t have the luxury of time to digest all the information you would like in order to do it. You will have employees and vendors who will look to you to be confident and timely and provide the resources necessary to accomplish the objective set forth in your decisions. Are you a decision maker or do you over-think and procrastinate your way to nowhere?

Do you have learning and adaptation capacities and some basic business skills?: There are so many skills critical to business success–sales, marketing, accounting acumen, communication, delegation (NOT abdication) and leadership come to mind. You must be able to execute a daily game plan that translates into a monthly strategy and into a quarterly development and then read what just happened. The ability to learn and adapt is a trait some have and others simply do not. The franchise system provides you with the 90% solution but there is always real life and it requires your ability to adapt and use what you brought to the table in order to create the right response. In the military you are taught to start and finish a task by understanding the steps to the end game. They are taught a code of conduct that establishes their baseline, and on top of that they’re taught their military occupational specialty, leadership development, and other skills that they can lean on in business. Hopefully in your business background you had similar experience. If so, a franchise or small business ownership situation will tax that training, skills and learned responses.

Do you persevere or procrastinate?: Every business owner should realize that between successes and accolades there are dark days. Much of this foreboding occurs right at the outset, when you are a brand new franchisee. Do you have the mental toughness to stick it out? Are you a complainer? If so, do NOT become a franchisee. Just don't. Stop now. I mean it. You need to see the situation for what it is; a current condition that has solutions and you must determine you, your resources, skills and presence of mind are bigger than the situation and you will do what it takes to succeed.

Look if owning a business was an easy decision to make, everyone would do it, but being the boss isn’t for the faint of heart. Frankly, most people never get out of the blocks because they want life laid out for them and somehow they feel paying a fee means someone will just turn on a cash machine for their paltry efforts. I hope this isn't you.

A veteran franchisee understands that a firm and focused desire to succeed is critical to any operation. This means defining the goal and the primary milestones or objectives in accomplishing that goal–and learning to keep your focus as you continue to strive for that goal even when you face unforeseen obstacles or impediments.

There are many great franchises out there. Some have amazingly well put together strategies, training, and business systems. But businesses are driven by people with vision, skills, perseverance and determination. Is that you? If it is then get on board, daylight is wasting!

John is a 26-year professional in the franchise industry. He has been a franchisee, a franchise executive and an advocate/consultant to the public and to dozens of franchise companies. He is the founder and managing partner of Wilson Associates and can be reached at or direct office 480.838.1641


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